Men who like to date transsexuals are gay ?
This is a common question about Men who like to date transsexuals are gay? You will ask yourself especially if you never had your first experience yet, virgin basically. Because a transsexual male to female was once a boy and now transitioning to become a woman. Even more, when the trans girl you having a crush still has her male genitalia, the so-called pre-op transsexual or non-op condition.
For these reasons, people think that having sex with a transsexual is something about homosexuality or being gay. Is still a question debated nowadays as it was in my teenage. I couldn’t care less what people say or think of me. I’ve freed myself from paranoia, and have chosen to be happy, with the person I know she is the right partner for me. I’m not with her to satisfy a sexual fantasy, I truly do love her, and, of course, I like the fact she is transsexual in intimacy.
Am I gay being with a pre-op transsexual girlfriend?
I know the feeling, and for some years in my youth, I felt that way too. Though… I never felt any attraction to men. And when I say men, I mean people who have masculine manners, dress, look and behave like a man. I don’t feel any attraction to muscles, beard and hairs, but the right opposite. And of course, I never felt any feeling that goes beyond mere human friendship for a man. So, am I gay? Am I because I like: transsexual women, ladyboys, transgender, tranny, t-girls, shemale… whatever vulgar name you want to call them? Let’s make a point now…
Are men who like to date transsexuals gay?
I’m sure you know perfectly what you like and who you are, but let me help you out to answer this question. Of course, you may feel attracted to transsexuals for their unique being, but what turns you on of them?
Because they happen to be very feminine, and occasionally even sexier than genetic women. Because they wear sexy clothes, high heels, taking good care of their look, they know to love and how to please men. And this is what turns you on. Isn’t it? Is not because they look like a man that makes you attracted to them. At your eyes, trans ladies simply are the icon of the ultimate sexy bomb, the best of both worlds. You are attracted to a beautiful woman, even though she has a special bonus. Well, this is just one of the reasons that make her special and unique. And what defines her as a woman of the third sex, not a man.
Right? Then don’t feel bad about yourself my dear trans lover.
Most people are giving too much importance to this little detail, and forgetting that when they go out together, she is just a girl.
Transgender women are a very sensitive person like most ladies out there, living entirely as a woman even being born biologically as a male. They are not a crossdresser, transvestites, drag queen who do it to satisfy a sexual fantasy or for work. Transsexuals, transgender, ladyboys are women by mind and soul, with a heart that knows to love. They are simply women trapped in a wrong body, that wish to align their look with the gender they self-identify, a woman. And this leads us to the next related matter to debunk recurring generalisations, misconceptions and stereotypes.
Transsexual women are not gay men
While it is true that gay men often flap together with transgender and transsexual, there is a disclosure to be made. A gay man doesn’t self-identify as a woman. Yes, some trans women were once gay in their childhood or early teenage, but always felt to belong to the opposite sex. And yes, a gay boy can be effeminate, and likely a bottom, but not living as a woman as transsexual do. Then, there is a big difference in being with a t-girl and a gay man. Though many generalise too much thinking is the same thing, but it’s not. Gay men could be curious to have a sexual experience with a transsexual woman, or just as a temporary alternative.
Gay men usually are not attracted to femininity, but instead to masculinity. Then if you are not attracted by muscles, beard and male manners you surely not gay.
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